Office of the President

News & Resources

Creating a More Inclusive CU


February 2022

Creating a More Inclusive CU

Everyone has an important role in advancing our desire to be a university that represents Colorado’s diversity of people and opinions. It starts with listening to and learning from each other. Listening with openness and without assumptions. Listening with compassion. Listening with understanding that each person’s journey is different from our own. The simple art of purposeful and intentional listening – and valuing other’s perspectives - is a vital step toward change.
CU visits Southwest Colorado


November 2021

CU is Colorado’s University

Outreach to communities statewide helps us better serve Colorado.
CU Board of Regents

Compensation Increases Approved

I’m grateful to all of you for making the fall semester a tremendous success, and I’m pleased to share some exciting news. The regents supported and have approved compensation increases for eligible faculty and university staff (non-classified) at CU Boulder, CU Denver, UCCS and system administration.
Keep Edu Affordable
The Denver Post

Op-Ed: Keep college affordable by doubling Pell Grants

Among the many questions high school students face, the one that looms largest is, “What are your plans after graduation?” The high school graduate whose plans include getting a bachelor’s degree ultimately will have more opportunities to attain economic and social mobility. On average, that person will earn $1.5 million dollars more over their working life.
Todd Saliman


September 2021

CU is Listening to Colorado

As we travel the state demonstrating CU’s impact, we want to hear from you.

Board of Regents Approves Systemwide Strategic Plan

Aug. 18, 2021 I’m thrilled to share that the Board of Regents last week voted 8-0 to approve the system strategic plan, “ Innovating for the Future .” This is great news for the University of Colorado, our students and the entire state. When combined with the campus strategic plans, the system plan
Vaccination Required

CU Requires Vaccine for Fall Semester 2021

Since the health and safety of our campus communities is among our top priorities, we have determined to require that all University of Colorado students, faculty and staff receive a COVID-19 vaccine before the start of fall semester 2021.
CU's first systemwide land acknowledgement statement

CU Systemwide Lands Recognition Statement

We arrived at this statement after connecting with Native American groups on all CU campuses, as well as with campus chief diversity officers, chancellors and system leadership. We will post it on university websites, as well as use it in selected publications and at events.